Uniprot Q8WZ19
BTB domain: residues 41-142
CTD domain: residues 150-271
BTB assembly
| Very low (<50) |
| Low (60) |
| Ok (70) |
| Confident (80) |
| Very high (>90) |
Predicted Aligned Error (PAE) for the rank-1 structure prediction.
No stable pentameric state has been identified for the full-length (BTB+CTD) assembly; a putative dimeric assembly is proposed.
KCTD10 full length (BTB+CTD) assembly
| Very low (<50) |
| Low (60) |
| Ok (70) |
| Confident (80) |
| Very high (>90) |
Predicted Aligned Error (PAE) for the rank-1 structure prediction.